Gaming News Round-up - The Sudden Changes Edition

By Ryan Noik 21 September 2012

This week in the Gaming News Round-up: Bioware reacts to the retirements of its founders, and new trailers emerge from the Tokyo Game Show FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Kinect Star Wars edition

By Ryan Noik 5 April 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: The Kinect Star Wars game and Xbox 360 Limited Edition bundle become available locally, whilst the creator of indie-hit Minecraft unveils his new project. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - part 1 - Coming Soon edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 March 2012

In part 1 of this week's Gaming News Round-up: Ubisoft releases the cover art for Assassin's Creed III, whilst Cyanide Studios gives gamers a taste of what the Game of Thrones RPG will look like. FULL STORY >


Nintendo announces new Wii Bundle

By Hanleigh Daniels 25 August 2011

Nintendo launches new Wii bundle and streamlined Wii for spring 2011. FULL STORY >


Exspect Drop 'N' Charge kit for Xbox 360

By Johan Keyter 10 March 2011

Wave goodbye to battery replacements with the Exspect Drop 'N' Charge Kit for the Xbox 360. FULL STORY >


Vuvuzelas becoming the new DRM

By Johan Keyter 6 December 2010

Pirating certain Nintendo DS games may have an unfortunate impact on your eardrums. FULL STORY >


Wii Party

By Johan Keyter 10 November 2010

Wii Party is a bundle of mini-games aimed at bringing enjoyable social gaming to the living room. FULL STORY >


LG unveils SMART TV

By Johan Keyter 1 September 2010

LG is set to unveil its new SMART TV line. These televisions will be able to connect to the Internet and run apps. FULL STORY >


Drawing tablet announced for the Wii

By Tom Manners 18 August 2010

THQ announces a drawing tablet for Wii with Pictionary title to follow FULL STORY >


Xbox 360 slim reports stellar sales

By Johan Keyter 20 July 2010

The new and improved Xbox 360 is showing impressive sales overseas, beating the likes of the PS3 slim in launch figures. FULL STORY >


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11

By Johan Keyter 20 July 2010

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 continues on the successes of its predecessor, offering one of the most realistic golf simulators this side of the green. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Move pricing and release details announced

By Tom Manners 17 June 2010

Sony prices motion controller aggressively to take on Microsoft and Nintendo FULL STORY >


American Navy may use Wii at boot camp

By Hanleigh Daniels 31 May 2010

The US Navy wants new recruits to prepare for maritime warfare by employing the Wii console. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Roundup - Game consoles make headlines

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 March 2010

Sony reveals its motion-based controller to the world, whilst Microsoft's Xbox 360 had a bumper Feb. Jay-Z takes on Eminem within DJ Hero and Nintendo again asserts that the Wii still has a long life ahead of it. FULL STORY >

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